Read Our FAQs

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We have developed a set of guidelines for all our spend. Below are some examples but not limited to:

Guidelines for Scholarships
Guidelines for Donations
Guidelines for Sports spend
Guidelines for Training’s spend
Guidelines for School fee
Guidelines for Misc expenses
Guidelines for receipts
Guidelines for Travel expenses

All the donations and the expenses are visible to all the donors and members of this trust on this website all the time.

In order to ensure community ownership and community participation in education the Government have evolved this system of having for each Government school a School Development and Monitoring Committee. Apart from others, the main members of this committe will be 9 parents whose children are studying in the said school. The SDMC has been given necessary powers and functions for ensuring that the schools are managed better and most of the issues relating to the academic aspects and developmental activities of the schools are addressed to by SDMCs. The Head Master of the school functions as the Secretary of the SDMC. The present system has been evolved by issue of executive orders of the Govt. of Karnataka, and action is under way to continue the system of SDMC and even make it more effective for which a proposal to make these SDMCs as part of the Panchayathi Raj Institutions, by making them sub-committees of the respective Gram Panchayaths, is under consideration of the Government, in co-ordination with the Rural Development and Panchayath Raj Department.

We trustees personally monitor and track each and every activity and every rupee spend. All the activities, income & spend are visible to all on this website (without any confidential information) in almost near real-time.

We leverage existing setup of “School Development and Monitoring Committee (SDMC)” to help us in terms of local governance. See below for more information on SDMC.

There are many NGOs, trusts or charitable organisations which carry the same aim as ours, but do not show their donors where or how the donations are spent. On the other hand, we would like to show our donars where and exactly how the money is being spent. The donated would be accounted down to the very last rupee and made visible to the donars, hence, ensuring total transparency throughout the system.